World Remit

World Remit’s… remit is to easily allow people to send money to other people abroad. Most of their customers are first or second generation emigrants who want to send money to family back in their country of origin. Very often the people receiving the money don’t have access to banks. World Remit allows receivers to pick up cash at locations near them or receive money to a mobile wallet or even as phone top up credit.


I worked on World Remit’s website and app. We redesigned the website landing page and its send money process. The experience of the first time sender was a key consideration as well as the repeat sender. We also had to consider the receivers experience.

Fraud prevention was another major feature that had to be baked into the app and website experience, without putting off or interrupting the user.


We allowed senders to use various different payment methods depending on their region and sending method. Most of these payment methods were third party plug-ins and required a lot of work to integrate into our experience. Each payment method, sending country, receiving country and money transfer method increased the permutations of the journey we had to design.


Key to our design process was a monthly customer feedback day. Customers of World Remit and customers of our competitors would come to our office and we would get them to try out anything we were working on. I ran the sessions, and insights gained from them were invaluable.


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