While at Digitas in London I ran the UX team for the HSBC client account. We worked on several projects for them: a touchscreen ATM interface, a peer to peer foreign exchange money transfer app, customer login journeys for their banking app and website, HSBC's global UX principles guidelines and a ‘banking interfaces of the future’ vision piece commissioned by their digital team.

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Designs for HSBC’s touch ATM global design guidelines. We ran inclusive usability workshops with Disabled Users. We met with ATM manufacturers. We commissioned user and cultural research reports for key HSBC regions and countries. We also built our own working touch ATM replica device that we used for user testing.


Stills from a series of videos we created for HSBC’s marketing teams. We were asked to envisage a near future and demonstrate how HSBC will be interacting with their customers in 5 - 10 years. We organised a workshop with some key technologists and asked them what the future of banking should include. We then developed a narrative for each video with a different theme.


App maps, user flows, UI sketches and user testing stills from a project to design a proof-of-concept peer-to-peer money transfer app for HSBC. We worked closely with client teams in London and Hong Kong and conducted user testing sessions in both cities.


Selected pages from HSBC’s user experience principles manual that we wrote in co-operation with HSBC’s digital team and some other major agencies on their design roster.



